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In life there are no rules on how to find a partner and where your partner will be from. We make it easy for you by putting all you need to know in one place. Now you can stop browsing. Just stick around, read our tips and information, and browse through the marriage minded ladies to find the partner of your dreams!
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  • The reason so many Russian and Ukrainian women seek husbands abroad is simple: they cannot find them in their homeland. For example, there are less men (10 million less men than women of marriageable age, according to the latest census) than women in Russia, so the 'competition' is high and some of them will stay alone).
  • Many women are also disappointed in the values and attitudes of men from their own country, and they believe foreign men value family more.
  • And they also notice that there is a still growing number of Russian women - and personally know women- who are happy married with a foreigner.

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