To Be Successful In Life, Learn How To “Close The Deal”!

To Be Successful In Life, Learn How To “Close The Deal”!
Sorry if I seem a little tired today. I took a couple new insurance agents out to do a little prospecting. The goal was there was not going to be much “windshield time” — we were going to hit a lot of businesses… and hit ‘em quick.

About 75% of new Agents do not stem from this type of business, I am well aware of that. And to be honest, I don’t set my expectations very high during field training.
There are typically three parts to what we do: Product, Process, and Sales.

OK, teaching someone about our products is not challenging… nor is the process. But what about sales? No one is actually born with the skill set to be a good salesperson… it just comes naturally, call it instinct.

Unfortunately, some will require training on salesmanship. A great deal of it.

So, where do you start?
A Blessing Or A Curse?

Because insurance is a unique industry, I’m not always positive that having prior sales experience is really that important. I’ve seen a lot of new Agents who are driven and ambitious to succeed, whether the sales ability was there or not.

For others, who tale a “leap of faith” into this business, I may be the first sales trainer they’ve ever encountered.

The first step for me is to how to make someone’s dialogue and thought processes precise and economical. Salespeople that make themselves easy targets to be ignored and dismissed by potential customers are a challenge.

There’s an enormous psychology to approaching one’s first sales opportunity. I witness it everyday. The anxiety. The lack of confidence. The procrastination.

Not to minimize the ordeal, but you could equate it to young children now being tasked to swim without flotation devices or having to ride their bike without training wheels. It’s frightening!

To Be Successful In Life, Learn How To “Close The Deal”!

The insurance company I work for (quack!) does not pay one dime in salary. Every penny I make stems from a commission opportunity. I don’t want to give you the impression I am callous and impatient, but I have learned to be very indifferent to excuses and “small talk” taking up my day. It’s important that everything we do has the potential to create revenue. Especially, for myself, being your training mentor.
The Sales Process

The sales process will either become very familiar or very uncomfortable for many new Agents right away. But, the initial “fear” has to be overcome. So, does the inclination to deviate from your normal, professional vocal delivery. Relax. Be politely persistent. Smile. You’re not going to win every battle, but you can be better prepared to win a few!

How? By sending your brief conversation to a “desired close”. Every time. Address the objection, give yourself some distance from it, and drop the close again! And again! It’s quite common to ask for the appointment 4,5,6 or more times in a brief interaction.

Many businesses come from a sales background and are impressed by someone who handily overcomes objections and imposes themselves. Yet, for many new salespeople, they will thank them profusely and run away. Why?

Now that I’m so conscious of the “close,” I begin to look at certain situations in life both business-related and non-business-related that closing the deal/asking for the sale may have helped.
Closing The Deal/Asking For The Sale

Interracial To Be Successful In Life, Learn How To Close The Deal! 1] Dating — Dating to me, is the ultimate beginning of learning how to sell yourself, which often leads to a big reward!

When I was younger, it puzzled me how some of these guys seemed so lucky in the romance department… until i went with them and saw their approach. It was simple. They knew what they wanted and they asked for it. They didn’t spend their night being shy, over-complimenting women, or plying them with drinks like some guys. Sure, they got their share of rejection, but the successes made up for it!

2] Job Interview — In addition to owning my own insurance agency, I am also the Regional Director of Recruiting.

You’d be surprised at even at a higher level of recruiting and interviewing, how the lack of energy and desire exists during interviews. I’m very intuitive with vocal delivery, eye contact, body gestures, etc… but those interviewees that were told to act indifferent or to not appear interested in the opportunity — that was bad advice.
In Closing

You want that late fee taken off your credit card?… ask for it to be removed. If you want someones business, ask for it! If you want that girl’s number, go get it!

The worst thing in life is to have regrets over indecision or failing to act.

Stop caring about looking silly or what the outcome will be. Like Nike, “Just Do It!”

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