Future Proofing the Social Network like Facebook

Tucked away at the end of a picturesque residential street in the Palo Alto, California, at the heart of Silicon Valley, sits a company which has changed the world and the way people socially interact.

Facebook’s inconspicuous headquarters may slightly underwhelm an excited visitor, of which there are many snapping away the office’s small brown foyer, but for lots of people, the social network has become the internet.

As the site fast approaches 600 million registered users, Facebook’s 500-strong army of developers are working long shifts to ensure that it does not suffer the same fate as previous bright internet stars, such as MySpace and Bebo – both of which died away as Facebook rose to prominence.

A central part of this strategy is ensuring Facebook becomes a platform on the internet and not a just a website – meaning that everything online could eventually have some kind of Facebook tool attached to it.

Housed in the former HP Labs office, Facebook’s HQ still looks like a start-up, seven years on from founding.

Wires hang from every ceiling, scuffed unvarnished floors and big yellow cranes left over from the former tenants are situated in the centre of office’s numerous kitchens, giving the place a haphazard yet energetic feel. There is also the adherence to the strict rule that there is one developer working on the site for every million users.

In the lobby there is also a screen displaying a moving image of the globe upon which white arcs appear every time a new friend connection is made on the site. The data is at most 10 seconds old, with new arcs appearing at all times.

Mark Zuckerberg, the 27 year-old founder and chief executive, has a desk in the open-plan office among the lead developers, but visitors are carefully directed away from his space.

With a major office move imminent to a large campus in Menlo Park and a $100 billion flotation expected in the next six months, Facebook is definitely growing up.

Carl Sjogreen, product manager for the Facebook Platform, is the man charged with turning the vision of the future into reality.

‘Platform’ is the part of Facebook which allows other websites to integrate Facebook apps or tools, such as the Like button, onto their website, and developers to use the site’s social graph to create socially driven services and games, such as the hugely popular Farmville game or Flipboard, a social media magazine iPad app.

More than 2.5 million of the world’s most popular websites have integrated in some way with Facebook and 20 million apps which have been built on top of the Facebook platform, are downloaded by its users every day.

“Our mission is to get everyone in the world interacting with Facebook.... Platform is trying to help every site or app a person comes into contact with be more social and personal to a user. We are trying to build Facebook in some way into every single website people visit as most sites are anything but socially enabled,” he explained.

“The fact that I can go to a site and it doesn’t know who I am or what I like shows how fundamentally broken the internet still is. Facebook’s Platform is about helping all sites show a personal face to each user, allowing them to draw up on a Facebook member’s public information. This means that a newspaper website would be able to look different to a 60-year old man and an 18-year old girl – based on their interests.”

Sjogreen says that Facebook becoming an internet platform rather than just a single destination site, will stop it suffering the same ‘fad’ fate as MySpace and is the reason why the service has continued to grow.

“Any destination site has limited potential. It only contains the features that the team can build as quickly as they can create them. Being a platform allows your Facebook identity to become a service for the whole web…We are not going to be able to build everything – but if we can create an eco-system – as we are doing around our service, it will make continuing coming to Facebook a more interesting experience. There is now a whole industry built on our platform which is invested in Facebook’s success.”

Leading social media analyst at Gartner, Ray Valdes, thinks Facebook has a good shot of long term survival where other digital networks have failed.

“Facebook has become an integral part of the online experience,” he explains. “It managed to crack what people wanted to do online –which is the same as offline – be and share information with their friends.

“It’s not just one site now. It’s created an eco-system off which companies like Zynga [creator of Farmville and Cityville] live. Like Google is the dominant company for the information web, Facebook is the dominant company for the social web.”

Facebook’s plan to become part of the fabric of the web is already in action and it is hard to doubt the Facebook team’s confidence in their future.

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